Thai amulets
Created by Lek Watruak
colorbar.gif (4491 bytes)
The Great-Grand-Five Amulets
(Click picture to enlarge, and click "Back" on the bar above after viewing)
rkpimyai1S.jpg (3454 bytes) rkpimyaiS.jpg (3299 bytes) rkjediS.jpg (3130 bytes) rkdhasamS.jpg (3098 bytes)rkdhansamBS.jpg (12121 bytes)
Somdej Watrakang, Pim Yai mold Somdej Watrakang, Pim Yai mold Somdej Watrakang, Pim Jedi mold Somdej Watrakang, Dhansam mold

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Somdej Bangkhunprom,
Pim Sendai mold
Somdej Bangkhunprom,
Pim Yai mold
Somdej Bangkhunprom,
Pim Okkrutyai mold
Somdej Bangkhunprom,
Pim Okkrutklang mold

bpsangkatiS.jpg (3901 bytes)bpsangkatiBS.jpg (3637 bytes) bpdhankooS.jpg (3564 bytes) kpkanoonS.jpg (2212 bytes) kpkanoon1S.jpg (2192 bytes)
Somdej Bangkhunprom,
Pim Sangkhati mold
Somdej Bangkhunprom,
Pim Dhankoo mold
Lila Medkhanoon Lila Medkhanoon
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Pim Khaokong mold
Pim Khaotrong mold
Pim Songdevada mold
Pim Sangkhati mold

spnakaeS.jpg (2685 bytes)spnakaeBS.jpg (2825 bytes) nanumfs.jpg (2241 bytes)nanumbs.jpg (2177 bytes) skpimyaiS.jpg (3644 bytes)
Pim Nakae mold
Pim Nanum mold
Soomkor, Pim Yai mold

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Pim Klang mold
Soomkor, Pim Yai, plain-edge mold PhraRod,
Pim Yai mold
Pim Toh mold

This is something you should know:-

The great-grand-five amulets on the above are the top five most expensive amulets. These top five are popularly called in Thai "BenjaPhaKhi" (Benja=five, PhaKhi= allies,group). They comprise:

1. Somdej Watrakang or Bangkhunprom, created by Somdej Phra
Buddhacharn(Toh Promrangsi) in the late early-Ratanakosin period, age approximately 150 years.   

2. Lila Medkhanoon or Soomkor, the antique amulets found in the northern Kampaeng Petch province, age approximately 500 years.

3. NangPhya, the antique amulet found in the northern Pitsanulok   province, age approximately 400 years.

4. Pongsuphan, the antique amulet found in Suphanburi province, age approximately 400 years.

5. PhraRod, the antique amulet found in the northern Lampoon province, age approximately 1,000 years.

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