The above is a VHTF LP
Ngern bronze mini statue, Phim Nah NokHook, created and blessed by
Acharn Jae, a close disciple of LP Ngem BangKlaan, Pijit, in
Buddhist Era decade 2470s-80s. This is a championship for its
physical condition that found in this year.
Upon the creation of
LP Ngern mini statue of this batch, the old time LP Ngern's leftover
holy bronze was also mixedly melted into its content. The casting
process of the mini statue was a primitive method by using clay
molds which naturally caused small craters and holes scattered over
the surface as same as the old-version LP Ngern mini statues because
they were cast by the same primitive method.
The Acharn Jae's LP
Ngern mini statue looks like LP Ngern's old stuff. When you wear it
on your neck, even at the close distance almost everybody will think
that you are wearing a multi-million Baht LP Ngern's old version
mini statute.
Old-version LP
Ngern's mini statues have a long-year experiences in Klaew Klaad
(free from all harms) & Kong KraPhan Chatri (invincibility), each
of them now costs up to Baht 7,000,000 (million) depending on
physical conditions. But the above LP Jae's LP Ngern mini statue is
so much cheaper in price and can well be used as a substitution with
equally same properties to the multi-million Baht LP Ngern's old
version item.
LP Ngern, Wat Bangklaan, is an old-time top great Guru monk living
contemporarily with Somdej Phra Phutdhacharn(Toh) of Wat Rakang. He
is highly revered by people due to his ultra Dhamma practice and
miraculous phenomena of his amulets, even his photo has caused gun
misfired !! LP Ngern passed away in B.E. 2463 at the age of 109.
Acharn Jae was the successive Abbot of Wat BangKlaan after LP Ngern.