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Dimensions:1.3 X 2.4 cm |
Materials: baked
clay, mixed with ground Ayuthayan amulets of old time |
LP Chong NangPhya
KhaoGuaang, LangYant
Wat NatangNok, B.E. 2500 |
The LP Chong baked clay NangPhya KhaoGuaang
Langyant of B.E.2500 is a hard to find item because most of LP Chong
NangPhya are black Bailan. It is much more rarer and occasionally
found once in a long time period.
NangPhya literally means an empress, but in Thai amuletology it
practically has masculine meanings: elegant grand appearance,
powerful charismatic appearance just like an emperor.
NangPhya amulet's characteristics: any amulet with sitting posture,
the right hand of Buddha image putting on the knee while the left
hand putting on the lap.
KhaoGuaang means a long lap. KhaoGuaang is an auspicious
characteristic implying wealth and good-life stability.
Langyant means a Yant or Yants on the reverse side.
The NangPhya was mixed with ground, damaged amulets of old time from
two Ayuthayan important temples viz Wat Trakai and Wat BangKating.
The LP Chong NangPhya has high efficacies on Metta, KlaewKlaad and
wealth & fortune.
LP Chong has been highly respected as a top great Guru of the
country, he was an expert of Buddhistic magics, attained ultra
Dhamma, and widely admired as a Guru monk of great Metta; even LP
Parn, Wat BangNomkho, had admired him as a golden monk. LP Chong and
LP Parn are close friends of each other, they have same teachers--
LP Paan of Wat Pikul and LP Soon of Wat BangPlamoh.
LP Chong finished highest Dhamma of PatiSamphithaYarn, so he could
shorten a long distance and reach any destination at a short time.
LP Chong made amulets of many types, such as mini statues, Yantra
jackets, Phayants, and medals of various types; all have been proved
by people and soldiers in WWII for their high efficacies on Klaew
Klaad and Metta.
LP Chong passed away at the age of 93 on Makha Boocha day of Feb 17,
B.E. 2508, which hinted us his extremely great monkhood status.
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