"Thai amulets" on Education
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 14:54:29 -0500
From: Lillian Wolfrom <wolfrom@Ms.UManitoba.CA>
To: lekwatruak@newmail.net
Subject: reprint permission

To Whom it May Concern,

My name is Lillian Wolfrom and I work at the University of Manitoba
Bookstore which operates on a cost-recovery basis. I am responsible
for clearing copyright for faculty wishing to incorporate copyrighted
material into reading packages for sale to students through the
I am applying for permission to reproduce pages from the following


This publication is for use in a Religion course entitled Introduction
to World Religions.
We require written confirmation of permission along with any royalties
or stipulations you require.


Lillian Wolfrom

Custom Courseware Specialist
University of Manitoba Bookstore
phone: (204) 474-8321 ext.5255

fax: (204) 474-7555
email: wolfrom@ms.umanitoba.ca
I have sent a letter of confirmation to University of Manitoba(Canada) to grant the royalties free to them to reprint my web pages for education purpose. The Religion course relates to human's ethics and morals, by the content of the course they create man-power to teach others to be good people. So, the university deserved to have such the privilege. It's an honor and a merit for me to take part in the world people's ethics and morals in some degree.

Lek Watruak
The Author 

Link to University of Manitoba