Thai Popular Amulets

Thai Amulets comprise many thousands. All amulets you have seen here are original authentic items.
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Sao Ha Medal, B.E.2513, Nikel/Bronze

LP Od Medal, Wat Chansen, Sao Ha Batch, B.E.2513
On Sao Ha day (Saturday, the fifth on the fifth month on lunar calendar) in B.E.2513, Wat Chansen by LP Od arranged a great blessing ceremony for the medal. Many Gurus were invited for blessing: 1. LP Phrom, Wat Chongkae, Nakonsawan 2. LP Prink, Wat Bosth Kong Thanoo, Lopburi  3. LP Pae, Wat Pikul Thong, Singhburi  4. LP Nor, Wat Klang Tharua, Ayuthaya  5. LP Krae, Wat Somsieu, Nakonsawan  6. LP Boonmie, Wat KaoSamoKon, Lopburi  7. LP Jek, Wat Ranam, Singburi  8. LP Sod, Wat HangNamSakon, Nakonsawan  9. LP Juan, Wat NongSoom, Singburi  10. LP Shen, Wat Sing, Singhburi  11. LP KamMee, Wat ThamKoohaSawan, Lopburi

It is so strange that LP Phrom who never join any blessing ceremony outside his temple has come over to join the ceremony by the invitation of LP Od who was also LP Phrom's disciple. After the blessing ceremony finished, LP Phrom came out of the Bosth and announce " Hey... anybody has a gun. Try now, shooting over the roof of the Bosth (main place of the temple where the blessing ceremony conducted), if your gun could fire out. My head will be a guarantee !!" 

After a moment, Nai Charng Phayap, an amulet artisan brings his gun out and then fire over to the Bosth's roof direction, the tricker works but the gun disfunctioned--it could not fire out. Then Nai Charng Phyap bends his gun to another direction and fire...Bang !! Bang !! Bang!!  The gun works well. This is the miracle of the above Sao Ha medal. ( See Wat Chansen Amulets book, page 56-57, the book recorded this story)              

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