Thai amulets
Created & Written by Lek Watruak
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LP Parn's Phim Kai Hang Sam Sen
( Hang = tail, Sam = three, Sen= narrow strip, line )
Progressive Four Elements Katha on the backside. From right to left, Na Ma Pha Dha, Ma Pha Dha Na, Pha Dha Na Ma, Dha Na Ma Pha.     
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Katha at the edge: Aa Ra Hang Katha at the edge: Ma Aa U
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Katha on the top: U Katha at the bottom: Phut Dho
 Professional Techniques:
Top of LP Parn Series
Phim Kai Hang Sam Sen, Nua Phong Klook Rak
As we all know LP Parn made baked clay amulets. But the above piece is exceptional unique--NUA PHONG KLOOK RAK-- which is Phong Bailan + Black lacquer. Absolutely, only a few collectors have ever seen this fanstastic and splendid LP Parn's amulet. The piece is as if the pink or blue diamond that's hardly to find a second one.

How come this unique invaluable amulet ?

Actually in each amulet making season, LP Parn would make some amulets in auspicious ceremony by himself. After that his monks disciples would followingly make amulets to reach the number he had requested. After baking process finished, LP Parn would singlely bless those large piles of amulets by himself. During amulets making process some disciple monks have made unique amulets for their own use. Later, such the small numbers of fantastic unique amulets have been occasionally found.

Thai words say towards the above fantastic amulet, " Khae Hen Roop Kor Pen Boon Ta" which means it's good great lucky even to see only its picture.           

Nua Phong = material of holy powder, Klook = to mix, Rak = black lacquer 
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